Message from the Superintendent: Calendar Update There will be NO SCHOOL in Taylor County on Friday, March 14th, 2025. At this time, the last day for students will now be Wednesday, June 4th, 2025.
2 days ago, TCS News
calendar update
💙💛 Let's send off the Lady Bearcats to the state tournament with a blue and gold day on Monday, March 10! 🏀⛹🏼‍♀️
4 days ago, Anna Jarvis Elementary School
blue and gold day
Read Across America Spirit Day for Friday!
7 days ago, Anna Jarvis Elementary School
Friday Spirit Day
Read Across America Spirit Day on Thursday.
8 days ago, Anna Jarvis Elementary School
Thursday Spirit Day
Read Across America, Wednesday Spirit Day
9 days ago, Anna Jarvis Elementary School
Wednesday Spirit Day
This year for Music in Our Schools Month our students will be learning about four different genres of music, As the students enter the building and eat breakfast they will be listening to that week's music genre. Also, the school will have a SPIRIT DAY each week!
10 days ago, Anna Jarvis Elementary School
Music in our schools month genres and spirit days
Anna Jarvis PTO wants to thank everyone that participated in the fundraiser with Little Caesar pizza. Please turn in all orders and money on Wednesday, March 5th.
10 days ago, Anna Jarvis Elementary School
Pizza Orders
Read Across America Spirit day for Tuesday!
10 days ago, Anna Jarvis Elementary School
Tuesday Spirit Day
Please see the link below for a Message from the Superintendent: Feb. 28th, 2025
14 days ago, TCS News
Congratulations to all of our students who exhibited positive citizenship and outstanding character for the month of February .🎉👏
14 days ago, Melissa Weaver
Several students were recognized during tonight's board meeting for their academic achievement. Congratulations to the Spelling Bee, Math Field Day, and Memorial Day Essay Winners!
16 days ago, Helen Roberts
Picture of Winners
Picture of Winners
Picture of Winners
Picture of Winners
Picture of Winners
Picture of Winners
Picture of Winners
Read Across America Spirit Week, March 3 - 7!
17 days ago, Anna Jarvis Elementary School
Read Across America Spirit Week
Anna Jarvis Elementary School ONLY will be dismissing today (Monday, Feb. 24th) at 10:30am due to heating issues.
18 days ago, TCS News
All Taylor County Schools will begin on a two-hour delay tomorrow, Friday, February 21st, 2025.
21 days ago, TCS News
2 Hour Delay
All Taylor County Schools will be utilizing a Non-Traditional Instruction Day today. This is NTI Day #5 for students. Students will learn from home and staff are to be available for support, from their assigned work site, from 10am-3pm.
22 days ago, TCS News
All Taylor County Schools will be on a two-hour delay today, Thursday, Feb. 20th, 2025.
22 days ago, TCS News
2 Hour Delay
Due to site preparations being underway, our parking lot adjacent to Route 50 is no longer available. With this change, we are asking our preschool and kindergarten parents not to arrive to the school for parent-pick-up until after 2:50 each day and our 1st-4th grade parents to wait until the last bus pulls onto Route 50. Thank you for your assistance to keep the traffic moving smoothly. We currently have in process, and graciously being made available on our neighboring property by the Wheeling Diocese, some alterations to that location that should become available for use in the near future to assist with traffic flow, as well.
24 days ago, Heather Sinclair
Taylor County Schools Calendar Development Survey
27 days ago, TCS News
Taylor County Schools Calendar Development Survey QR code
Please see the link below for a Message from the Superintendent.
27 days ago, TCS News
All Taylor County Schools will begin on a two-hour delay tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 12th, 2025.
about 1 month ago, TCS News
2Hour Delay