Thank you to the Flemington Assembly of God Church for the special treats for the staff of Anna Jarvis! We lived all the snacks!

We are loving our new app! Access documents,
news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from
your pocket. Download the app on Android:
https://bit.ly/3wWqoyb or iPhone:

All staff, students and visitors will remain masked on all buses and facilities as Taylor County remains red on the WVDHHR map as of today, September 12, 2021. Exceptions include eating, recess and outdoors.

Date Correction: The news article yesterday had an incorrect date for March early release. It should be March 2nd, not March 6th.

Reminder: September 17th is now a two hour early release for all students. Staff will be looking at data to guide planning for learning.

Remember to wear your red, white, and blue on Friday!

Charts now posted for contact tracing and quarantine guidelines as shared from the WVDE.

Just a reminder about tonight!

Changes to contact tracing and quarantines are posted in the latest news article. Please read as they will begin tomorrow September 7, 2021.

Just a reminder that Friday is the last day to turn in your Snowbird Summer Reading Log.

Here is the September lunch menu and a highlight of September 1-3 meals.

Welcome Back! Monday, August 30th is our first day back and we welcome all staff, students and visitors as we begin "Our Best Year!" Please read the important news article posted about beginning the year with masks due to Taylor County being red on the WVDHHR map.

Please read for changes to our drop off/pick up procedures.
We hope this will help parents have more time to help their younger children and help the traffic flow a bit better.
If your youngest child is in preschool your preschooler and siblings will be dropped off/picked up at the west end doors. This means you will go behind the school to the gravel parking lot and park to let all your AJES children enter the double doors at the end of the building. Parents will walk with their children to the end doors.
If your youngest child is in kindergarten then your family will all be dropped off/picked up at the cafeteria doors behind the school. You will travel behind the school and loop around at the double black doors that enter into the cafeteria. At this location parents will not have to exit their vehicle unless your child needs assistance buckling once they get to the car.
The rest of the students that are in first through fourth grade will be dropped off at the east end by the playground in the a.m. and picked up at the front doors in the p.m. Parents will remain in their vehicle and the students will be directed to your vehicle. Please have students exit and enter your vehicle on the passenger side.
Please be patient as everyone gets used to the new routines! Give yourself plenty of time in the morning so you won’t feel rushed. Drop off starts at 7 a.m. and will end at 7:50 a.m.
We will be making codes again during the first couple weeks to give out to parents to hang on their rear view mirror for parent pick up. Parent pick up will begin as soon as the buses leave, which should be by 2:55 p.m. and continue until 3:05 p.m.
Please follow these procedures with your 1st-4th grade students even on days your PK student is home on Fridays and prior to the PK/K first day. Thanks everyone for working this out with us! This will be our best year!

UPDATED Bus Schedules are now available. You can find them located on the TCS App under Documents and Transportation or from the TCS Website. https://5il.co/xxwv

All the elementary schools had a great training today with Jennifer Partrick from Learning Focus.

Join us on Friday for a Meet and Greet from 2:00 -3:00.

Taylor County Schools will welcome back students on August 30, 2021 with guidelines in place to offer five days of instruction. Check out the news article for further information.

The staff had a great training today at TCMS with Matt Tolliver to learn about our social and mental well-being. We were reminded that we all need to take care of ourselves to be able to take care of of others.

Great first day! Staff is energized and ready to get started in the best year yet! ❤️🤍