Friday Red Ribbon Week
Thursday Red Ribbon Week
Wednesday Red Ribbon Week
COVID numbers are trending in the wrong direction. Please assist us as we try to mitigate our numbers downward and follow all quarantine orders and making sure your child is wearing their mask properly. Together we can make a difference.
Most students enjoyed a nice fall hayride around the school campus today!
Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate for all the classes to get go on a ride today but they will return for the other classes on another day.
Red Ribbon Week Continued
Attention preschool families!
Join us this Friday!
Reminder wear your Disney clothes on Monday!
Taylor County Schools will continue to wear masks for the next fourteen days based on the WVDHHR map being red today, October 24, 2021.
Wednesday was the first night of our Chess Club after school! Taylor County Board of Education member, John Taylor is teaching students how to play. If students are interested in still signing up please send a note to your child’s teacher to get more information sent home about Chess Club.
Reminder that Thursday, October 21, is a 2 Hour Early Dismissal for all Taylor County Schools.
Pink Day!
Just a reminder no afterschool program this evening, Thursday, October 14th. We will resume with the program on Monday afterschool.
Just a reminder $1.00 Hat Day Thursday
Go Bearcats!
Delicious Steak Hoagie Lunch!
School Meetings Tonight
Anna Jarvis Elementary School PTO is looking for officers for this school year. If you would like to be nominated or know someone that would do a great job please complete the attached form. We will be accepting nominations through noon on Monday, October 11th. Voting will occur at the October PTO meeting on Monday, October 11th at 6:00pm.